Small Favors is a group show hosted by
GIANT ROBOT that focuses on small/affordable art. I will have 2 pieces in the show - "Star Power" and "Inside Out." Both pieces are 5"x5". The show opens this Saturday. More info below.
Click here to preview more of the art. Other artist include Selina Alko, Jordin Isip, Deth P. Sun, Rodger Stevens, Ric Stultz and Gary Taxali.

Giant Robot Gallery
437 East 9th Street
Between 1st Ave. & Ave. A, in the East Village
New York, New York 10009
(212) 674-GRNY (4769) | grny.net
Reception: Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.
March 27, 2010 - April 14, 2010